Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Bit of Flossiphy for a Dentist Who's Down in the Mouth

This poem is in honor of my dentists who have put up with my great fear of them
and my need for laughing gas just to get my teeth cleaned.
--Elizabeth Willis Barrett--

A Bit of Flossiphy for a Dentist Who’s Down in the Mouth
By Cuspid

When others are taking you falsely
And you’ve bitten off more than you’ll chew,
When your ego appears to be dentin’
Here’s some counsel to carie with you.

Just get to the root of the matter;
Find the cause of all of the stress.
You’d do well with a bit of prevention—
A cure-all or two molar less.

When drilling becomes an abscession
I’ll admit that it takes lots of nerve,
But amidst all the gauze and extractions
Just smile and continue to serve.

Think, by gum, this is quite an adventure
Though yourself you feel you’re beside.
Remember you’ve got lots of wisdom,
You’re not just along flou-ride.

You might feel life’s too close together
With cavities you can’t dissipate,
And eye teeth that ache for attention.
It’s no wonder that no one sees straight.

Brace yourself for the crown that awaits you
When memory has long since decayed,
When deciduous wailing has ended
And you’ve forgotten all those who’ve not paid.

You’ll find after all it was worth it
When toothaches and cavities cease;
And you’ll come to this sweet malocclusion:
In permanence there will be peace!
--Elizabeth Willis Barrett--


NP said...

Oh my gosh ~ that was FABULOUS!!!!!!
Love and hugs,

Doreen said...

You must have spent a lot of time coming up with all of those dental terms and creatively putting them together in rhyme. I don't know how you do it but keep it up!

AliceK[i]ND said...

A truly brilliant piece of poetry! I love it! :)

Ileva said...

I'm glad we share a love for poetry and writing. I needed this today. Thank you :)

Tami Allred said...

Bravo!! Nicely said!

Unknown said...

Love this poem, it's great!