Monday, February 6, 2012

Expect a Miracle

Expect a Miracle

Elizabeth Willis Barrett.....................February 5, 2012

I was ready to post a new essay on my blog and call it “A Pound of Cure.” In it I planned to enumerate all the cures we have tried in order to bring our son Jeffrey back to his old pre-drug wonderful self. After trying everything we could think of and what the “experts” could think of, we simply ran out of options. Living with a drug addict makes everyone a bit crazy and we have been mired in this insanity for over 10 years. As his wit’s end parents, we didn’t know what else to do but ban him from our home. Thus, his stay on the canal in an oleander bush.

I still want to write that essay, but not just yet. In this essay I want to report a miracle. On January 8th, early in the morning, we received a phone call from a sad and frightened son. Jeffrey said, "Mom and Dad, come get me. I don’t want to do this anymore.”

I’m not sure why this time is immensely different from any other time when he has promised to work on his sobriety. But something has drastically changed in Jeffrey’s actions and in his demeanor. Maybe it was the one more prayer that someone sent to Heaven in his behalf. Maybe it was that one prayer that gathered all the previous prayers into an astounding critical mass. I know that Heaven listened and mighty changes are occurring. If it was your prayer that made the difference, I thank you profusely.

There are others that I must thank, too, who have gently nudged or shoved Jeffrey onto Recovery Road and walked along with him for a while. Our family friend and doctor has freely given Jeffrey hours of his time to counsel him and adjust his prescriptions. We could never repay him for the vital role he is playing in Jeffrey’s progression.

Our Home Teacher has held onto those medicines and followed Jeffrey around to dispense them properly. He, too, is very busy but has taken much of his time to help heal a soul.

There are other dear ones who have called and visited Jeffrey. They made sure he had food and something to sleep on and under, always offering their help and encouragement and reminding him of his true nature. Coaches, teachers, Priesthood leaders, family and friends.

I’m not inexperienced enough to think that this is the absolute end of Jeffrey’s drug addiction. I know he will have to be on the offense for the rest of his life just like when he was a football star running the ball toward the goal line. Instead of the ball, he’ll be running his life past many obstacles until he makes the final touchdown where there will be much rejoicing.

But I will celebrate this victory, this yardage gained and I thank you all for your interest, your prayers and your love. How could I as a mother ever repay you for what you have helped accomplish? “For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.” A miracle!


Love Family said...

That is so wonderful. I have seen miracles just as you are witnessing. Prayers to your family. Faith and time. All my love.

Shelly said...

You and Jeffery are loved by so many, and our prayers will continue.

NP said...

That IS a wonderful miracle. I will pray for his continued recovery "One day at a time!"
Love & hugs,

Cheela said...

I truly hope you have a miracle, too!! I know how difficult this.